Uncle Walter Harrison
Uncle Walter Harrison
Walter Harrison is a member of the Victorian Indigenous community and has extensive experience working within Aboriginal Community controlled organizations, including holding a position as a state-wide Family practice lead role within the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency. He is a founding member of the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (DDWCAC) and Director on the Board, and as of July 2022 is a member of the Financial and Audit Risk Committee. Walter graduated through Swinburne College with a Graduate Certificate IV - Aboriginal Wellbeing and Family Violence Prevention 2012 and a Graduate Certificate of Social Work NTV Male Behavioral Change in 2014. In 2013, Walter commenced engagement with the Victorian Koori courts actively as an Elder and respected community member with Children, Magistrates and County Courts.
He currently sits on the Boards and Co-Chairs the County Courts Aboriginal First Nation self-determination. He has engaged in delivering Prison programs for Aboriginal men in custody with five years as an Independent Prison Visitor to understand more now and appreciate the sacrifices made from our ancestors. Walter has a strong commitment to helping and supporting Aboriginal families in the Koori community and believes as Elders and respected people we have a responsibility towards healing and self-determination for our people and future generations to come. Walter’s identity belongs to both his father’s people the Dja Dja Wurrung, and Mother’s Yorta Yorta / Wiradjuri and he has lived in and around Melbourne. He has strong affiliations with a lot of Aboriginal people and organisations in the Regional and Metro areas.