Peter Dawncy
Peter Dawncy
Peter Dawncy lives in the Dandenong Ranges. He has an Arts Degree with majors in English and Philosophy from Monash University and is currently completing Honours in poetry writing.
For his thesis, Peter is undertaking a study of Philip Hammial’s poetry through Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Peter hopes to begin his PhD next year. Peter is interested in a variety of orthodox and unorthodox writing styles and forms, which include sound poems, concrete poems, bucolic poems, romance poems, prose poems and short fiction; his work has appeared in various Australian journals and magazines. Peter is also a playwright. His play The Logue of Thomas P. T. Lawrence was performed at The Arts Centre in June 2010. In 2010 Peter won the Monash poetry prize and came second in the Monash fiction-writing competition.