Nyarri Nyarri Morgan

Nyarri Nyarri Morgan


Nyarri Nyarri Morgan is a senior Martu elder, leader and artist whose works have been exhibited in Australia, Europe, and the United States. Nyarri speaks seven Western Desert languages.

Nyarri was born Myirr Myirr and walked around with his family in the desert of the tri-state area until 1963 when he then came into contact with Len Beadell who was opening up the desert regions for the blue streak rocket tests. In the late 1970s, Martu people began reclaiming their homelands and Nyarri and his family started a camp at Parnngurr to protest a uranium mine against CRA. The families lived in humpies, and the first building they built in the new community was a school. This still thriving community is where Collisions is filmed.