Meredith Sussex

Meredith Sussex


Ms Meredith Sussex AM is a non-executive board director and consultant who provides strategic advice to organisations on public policy, planning, management and governance. She is a non-executive director of the Port of Melbourne Corporation and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, and an administrator of Brimbank City Council where, with two others, she acts in place of the council that was removed by the state government for a variety of governance failings.

In September 2010, she was appointed as a member of the Council of Australian Governments’ Expert Panel on Capital City Planning, which will report in February 2012 on the extent to which Australia’s capital city planning systems meet the criteria agreed by all Australian governments.

Prior to moving from her Victorian public service career in 2009, she was the Coordinator-General of Infrastructure, Victoria, where she worked on the planning for Victoria’s transport future, including freight and port planning (in the context of land use planning). In this role, she also led research on the public policy issues facing Australian cities and suburbs.