Mark Shackleton

Mark Shackleton


Mark Shackleton is the Director of Oncology at Alfred Health, a Professor of Oncology at Monash University, a Victorian Cancer Agency Clinical Research Fellow and Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group.

He was awarded the 2006 Victorian Premier’s Award for Medical Research, a 2010 NHMRC Achievement Award, a 2011 Pfizer Australia Fellowship, and in 2012 was awarded the Australian Science Minister’s Prize for Life Scientist of the Year. His laboratory focuses on understanding mechanisms of melanoma initiation and propagation.

After training in medical oncology and at the Ludwig Institute in Melbourne, he undertook PhD studies at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, and post-doctoral work at the University of Michigan, USA, with resultant publications in NatureCellCancer Cell and the New England Journal of Medicine.