Mahsa Hajjari

Mahsa Hajjari

Mahsa Hajjari was born in Iran and moved to Australia in 2012. She is passionate about amplifying social impact through effective communication and engagement strategies. She has lived and worked in Iran, the US and Australia. She is committed to evaluating the ecosystems in which organisations operate and identifying how systemic change can be brought about. Through her personal and professional experiences, Mahsa has come to understand the potential that is derived from diversity but also that we share far more than most of us realise, regardless of background. She believes shared values invariably enable us to find people who believe in what we do and who encourage the kind of support needed for the realisation of a common vision. 

She is currently living in Melbourne, the city she has called home for the past 11 years, and she feels grateful to be living in the birthplace of many great social innovation initiatives in Australia. Mahsa works for WIRE, the only Victoria-wide free generalist information, support and referral service run by women and gender diverse people, for women and gender diverse people.