Step behind the scenes with journalist and legal reporter Lucia Osborne-Crowley for a rare insight into the blockbuster trial of Ghislaine Maxwell.
MORE DETAILSLouise Milligan
Louise Milligan is a multi-award-winning investigative reporter for the ABC TV Four Corners program and a best-selling author of two non-fiction books – Witness, The Brutal Cost of Seeking Justice and Cardinal, The Rise and Fall of George Pell ― and her first novel, Pheasants Nest. Her investigation for ABC TV and for her Walkley-winning book, Cardinal, broke international news, leading to her being a witness in the George Pell case. Her story “I Am That Girl” led to changes in consent laws and her exposes of The Cranbrook School and Melbourne’ St Kevin’s College sparked multiple government inquiries and the resignation of two of the country’s best-known school principals. Louise is a former NSW political reporter and a High Court Correspondent. Her journalism largely covers social justice, the law and politics. Through her work she has met hundreds of survivors of sexual abuse and assault, particularly of clergy abuse.
Photo by Hugh Stewart
Step behind the scenes with journalist and legal reporter Lucia Osborne-Crowley for a rare insight into the blockbuster trial of Ghislaine Maxwell.
MORE DETAILSThe State of the (Writing) Nation is Writers Victoria’s annual address from an Australian writer, and a chance to reflect on what’s happening now and where we’re heading in literature and publishing.