Lori Flekser

Lori Flekser


Lori Flekser has worked in the Australian film and television industry since 1982. She is the General Manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association, the Executive Director of the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation, and the Co-Chair of the Australian International Documentary Conference.

Her production experience encompasses a wide range of genres: documentary specials and series, reality TV and corporate videos, as well as feature films and telemovies.

In 2003, Lori joined the AFC, the federal government funding agency and was promoted to Director of Development, supporting the development and production of feature films, documentaries, short films and digital media projects.

Lori was appointed General Manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association in 2010, representing the major Australian film distributors. In July 2012 she also took on the Executive Director role for the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation (IPAF), a not-for-profit organisation committed to educating people about the value of screen content and the impact of piracy.

Lori is a recent graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.