Larry Stillman
Larry Stillman
Larry Stillman has a PhD from Monash University in the sociology of technology. He is a member of the Executive of the Australian Jewish Democratic Society, an organization which has long advocated a two state solution. He has studied Arabic and Hebrew.
Larry also has degrees from the University of Melbourne, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Harvard, specializing, until he gave up, as an Assyriologist - a specialist in ancient Mesopotamia.
He lived in Israel for 4 years in the 70s, studied and worked in the US during the Reagan years, and had a long interest-standing interest in the politics of Israel and its relationship to Palestinians and Arabic neighbours and to the US. One side of Larry’s family comes from the long-established Jewish community of Ottoman Palestine. Another side migrated to Australia in the 1920s.
He is currently involved in a new partnership between Oxfam Australia and Monash University to improve international development capacity. He previously worked for Vicnet, at the State Library. His work in the field has taken him to India and South Africa. In his spare time he blogs for Galus Australis, an online Jewish magazine, and occasionally for New Matilda. Until recently, he was on the Committee of Liberty Victoria. Views expressed by Larry reflect his personal position, and should not be seen as endorsed by Monash University or the AJDS.