Kira Dawson
Kira Dawson
Kira Dawson is a 17-year-old student currently completing year 12. She has been involved in SS4C (School Strike for Climate) and BA4CC (Ballarat Actions for Climate Co-op) as part of the global youth led movement towards addressing climate change and reaching climate justice.
'When I look at the leadership in our country I am left with an overwhelming feeling of despair as we have already done so much damage. In the past two years a movement of student leaders has arisen. We as students are highlighting the importance of addressing climate change for the sake of our future, our children’s future and our grandchildren’s future. There is a sense of disconnect from the issue with our politicians as they will never have to live in a world facing conditions worse than those of today. But as students we are planning our future, in school we plan our careers but 'there are no jobs on a dead planet."'