Kellie Tranter
Kellie Tranter
Kellie Tranter is a lawyer and commentator who ran as an Independent candidate for the NSW seat of Maitland.
Kellie has practiced as lawyer for more than a decade and established a legal practice in her home town of Maitland in 2003. She stood as an Independent candidate for Maitland at the 2011 NSW election after proudly accepting an unsolicited endorsement of her candidature by anti-corruption fighter John Hatton AO.
She has delivered addresses and chaired workshops on issues like climate change and human rights at local and international conferences, including speeches aimed at empowering women globally. Her activism has been acknowledged by the Womens' Electoral Lobby.
Kellie has been a regular contributor of political and social commentary - particularly in relation to the war in Afghanistan - to various public affairs websites such as ABC’s The Drum, National Times and Online Opinion.