Kate McCartney

Kate McCartney


Kate McCartney is a writer/director, illustrator, animator and performer.

Her work as a comedy performer and writer has featured in Big Bite, Hamish and Andy and Time Of Our Lives. Kate was a senior writer for Sam Simmons’ Problems, and further writing credits include Adam Hills Tonight, Dirty Laundry Live, Spicks and Specks and ABC3’s Little Lunch and You’re Skitting Me. She has appeared in Offspring and ABC series Outland

Kate’s writing has been published in Penguin’s Thanks For The Mammaries and Penguin/Random House’s Women of Letters: Between Us.

In 2006, Kate’s animated short The Astronomer was selected for screened nationally and internationally. It was nominated for an Australian Film Industry award in 2006, and won Best 2-D Animation at Animex, 2007.

 In 2015, Kate McCartney and writing partner Kate McLennan’s original concept The Katering Show was released on YouTube, clocking up millions of views. In 2016, the Kates returned with a fresh new season of the hit series premiering on ABC iView. To date, it has attracted over 4 million views and 60,000 subscribers.

With Kate McLennan, Kate McCartney was the co-recipient of the 2011 Kit Denton Disfellowship for BleakBleak originally launched in 2014 on YouTube before it was made into a TV pilot for ABC’s Comedy Showroom in 2016.

Kate was the director of ABC hit comedy The Edge Of The Bush — a series created by writer and performer Anne Edmonds. Most recently she directed the Mandy McElhinney, Wayne Blair & Jenna Owen storyline in ABC TV’s series Squinters.

In 2017, Kate teamed up with Kate McLennan again for their new full-length ABC series titled Get Krack!n, where they set their satirical sights on the world of breakfast television.