Felicity Everett

Felicity Everett


Felicity Everett began her career as a writer as an author of children’s books. Working as a children’s books editor in London for years and authoring 18 children’s books, it wasn’t until 2000 Felicity started writing adult fiction.

Felicity Everett grew up in Manchester the youngest of four children. After taking creative writing course at Goldsmith’s College, London Felicity began to write what would become her first published adult novel, The Story of Us. Just as it was set to be published in the UK and after 25 years in London, Felicity and her family moved to Melbourne, where she now lives with her husband and younger two children. Felicity is currently working on her second novel, a sequel to The Story of Us.

The Story of Us is the story of the generation of women who grew up in the wake of the feminist’s revolution. The women who during the 70s and 80s were told they could have it all, only to find that ‘having it all’ isn’t all it cracked up to be. The novel follows a group of friends from youth into adulthood. When an unexpected tragedy throws their dissatisfactions into stark perspective it is a chance to re-dedicate themselves to their friendship, their misdirected lives, and their survival.