Eliza Hull
Eliza Hull
Eliza Hull is an award-winning musician, writer and disability advocate. Eliza is a disabled woman, with a physical disability ‘Charcot Marie Tooth.’ Eliza is the editor and creator of the book We’ve Got This: Stories by Disabled Parents. She has been a guest on The Today Show, The Drum, ABC News Breakfast, ABC’S Q&A and is on ABC Radio regularly. She recently presented 'Stir it up' on Double J.
She is a contributor in Growing Up Disabled in Australia and has a children’s book titled Come Over to My House co-written with children’s author Sally Rippin. Eliza Hull has spoken at the Human Rights Convention ‘Free and Equal’, for the NDIS, DARU, Brunswick Music Festival, The Wheeler Centre and the Changes Music Conference. Recently Eliza was awarded the Music Victoria ‘Amplify’ award, the APRA mentorship and the National Leadership Award from the Australia Council and Arts Access Australia.