Dominique Martin

Dominique Martin


Dominique is Senior Lecturer in Health Ethics and Professionalism in the School of Medicine at Deakin University. She studied Medicine and Arts as undergraduate degrees and completed a PhD in Applied Ethics at the University of Melbourne in 2011 on the topic of markets in human biological materials. Her bioethics research focuses primarily on issues related to procurement, use, and distribution of medical products of human origin such as organs and tissues for transplantation, or gametes used in assisted reproductive treatments, as well as ethical issues in nephrology, and professionalism issues relating to sale of unproven stem cell interventions.


Dominique is a member of the NHMRC Organ and Tissue Working Committee and the Doha International Academy for Organ Donation. She is an Associate Editor of the journal Transplantation and currently serves as an ethicist on the Western Health Clinical Ethics Committee. She is past co-chair of the Ethics Committee of The Transplantation Society and of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group. She has also worked with the World Health Organization and the Australian Organ and Tissue Authority on ethical issues in donation and transplantation. 

Dominique has authored or co-authored more than 35 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and regularly presents at Australian and international medical and bioethics conferences.