Dave Noonan
Dave Noonan
Dave Noonan is the National Secretary of Australia’s largest construction union, the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), Construction and General Division.
Dave has worked for the union for over 25 years. Prior to becoming National Secretary in 2006, he was an organiser and industrial advocate with the CFMEU Victorian Branch and its antecedent, the Building Workers’ Industrial Union (BWIU). Prior to becoming a union official, Dave was a construction worker.
Dave is a trustee director of CBus, the pension fund for Australia’s construction workers. The fund grew from an industrial campaign nearly 30 years ago and has 655,000 members and $30 billion in Australian funds under management. He is also a director of CBus Property, which invests in Australia’s building and construction industry, and also serves on Cbus’s Investment Committee.