Daizy Maan

Daizy Maan


Daizy is passionate about young people shaping the future, social entrepreneurship and representation. She hosts a podcast called The Daizy Project, which explores living a purposeful life through meaningful conversations with bold entrepreneurs, leaders and change-makers. She is an avid speaker, sharing her learnings at BMW, Pausefest and on a panel discussion alongside Ela Gandhi (Human Rights activist and granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi). She has worked and volunteered on social impact projects in Tanzania, in Thailand as an Australian Youth Ambassador for Development assisting in legal aid for refugees and travelled to the Himalayas in India to resolve her quarter-life crisis through meditation. She's currently on a mission to squeeze in writing a memoir and building a social movement to empower South Asian women through Bold Punjab and Australian South Asian Centre.


On the "professional" front at the age of 21 she served on the board of directors for Australia’s largest Community Bank company (NSX: CSH) and at 22 was appointed to lead Deakin University’s entrepreneurship programs for over 60,000 students. The initiative, SPARK Deakin has since invested in 87 founders and engaged 10,000 people in their community events. Daizy has also developed the Australian Digital Job Accelerator, which increases women’s confidence and ability to generate an income through freelancing.