Creatrix Tiara
Creatrix Tiara
Creatrix Tiara works with creative arts and media, performance art, technology, games, community cultural development and education to explore ideas around community, identity, liminality, belonging and social justice. She never neatly fits any one demographic and subculture; being Othered or Foreign is now near-first-nature to her – it drives her life's work.
She is a life-long writer, a strident activist for rights to self-determination and personal choice, and have built a reputation for creating challenging, catalysing creative and community work that deals with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, ability and other identity axes.
She has worked with a wide range of organisations and causes in the US, Australia, Malaysia, and worldwide, including Quippings, Lesbians Incorporated, Autostraddle, Freeplay, DiGRA, Global Fund for Women, SF LGBTQ Speakers Bureau, SOMArts, Slutwalk, Center for Sex and Culture, 4zzzfm, Vulcana Women's Circus and many more.
She holds an MFA in Creative Inquiry from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and Bachelors in Creative Industries (Creative Industries Management, Creative and Professional Writing) from Queensland University of Technology.