Chloe Wilson
Chloe Wilson
Chloe Wilson is a writer based in Melbourne. Her most recent collection of poems, Not Fox Nor Axe (Hunter Contemporary Australian Poets), was shortlisted for the Kenneth Slessor Prize at the NSW Premier's Literary Awards and the Judith Wright Calanthe Award at the Queensland Literary Awards.
Chloe's work has appeared in Best Australian Poems, Meanjin, the Southampton Review, Australian Love Poems, Australian Poetry Journal, Review of Australian Fiction, Cordite, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Going Down Swinging, Island, the Sleepers Almanac, Rabbit, Mascara and Chicago Literati, among others.
Chloe won the Arts Queensland Val Vallis Award for Unpublished Poetry in 2012 and 2014, and has won the Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize, the Lord Mayor's Creative Writing Award, the John Marsden Prize for Young Australian Writers, and was joint winner of the Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize in 2016.