Bob Linscott
Bob Linscott
Bob Linscott is Assistant Director of the LGBT Aging Project based at the Fenway Institute, Boston, USA.
Bob is a member of the Massachusetts Commission on LGBT Aging, which is the first state wide commission on LGBT aging issues, and a member of the LAIN council, the American Society on Aging’s LGBT Aging Issues Network.
He has also authored a ground breaking curriculum used to train council on Aging staff, volunteers and consumers on LGBT aging issues as well as a regular column on LGBT aging in Boston Spirit magazine. He has conducted training and speaking engagements all across the USA on LGBT aging and was invited to the White House in 2015 for the first White House Summit on LGBT Elder Housing.
One of the leading advocates on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) ageing in the USA, much of Bob’s work focuses on making the existing elder-care network in the USA more welcoming and inclusive for the needs of LGBT older adults. His work with mainstream providers has led to the development of LGBT training curricula for senior centres and home care agencies in addition to the establishment of more than 17 LGBT-friendly community meal sites across the state.