Aram Hosie
Aram Hosie
More than ten years ago and well before the world had heard of Laverne Cox or Caitlyn Jenner, Aram Hosie found himself at the forefront of trans visibility in Australia when he appeared on the front page of Western Australia’s only State newspaper. From those awkward beginnings as the 'Senator’s Sex-Swap Partner!' Aram has gone on to write, speak, educate and advocate for the issues affecting trans people at both the national and international level. Aram’s work has included further media engagements, playing an instrumental role in the reform of Passports and Medicare policy, winning a High Court challenge to Western Australia's gender recognition laws, and advocating on trans people’s HIV prevention and treatment needs on the global stage.
Named a 2015 Australian Human Rights Award Finalist in recognition of his advocacy work, Aram is currently the Director of Engagement for Equality Australia, a former Board Member for Thorne Harbour Health, former member of the MSMGF's International Trans and Gender Diverse Advisory Group, former Chair of the National LGBTI Health Alliance's Trans and Gender Diverse Reference Group, and current member of the Victorian Government's LGBTI Ministerial Taskforce.