Andrew Hewett

Andrew Hewett


Andrew Hewett is Executive Director of Oxfam Australia.

Andrew’s previous positions with Oxfam include leadership of the agency’s advocacy program and the direction of Oxfam International’s response to the crisis in East Timor from 1999 - 2001.

Andrew has extensive international advocacy experience, was a member of the World Bank-NGO Committee for four years and has participated in and observed numerous international conferences, including those of the World Trade Organisation and the World Bank.

Andrew is the vice-president of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the peak council of non-government development agencies. He is also Co-Chair of the Make Poverty History Campaign. He is a member of the BHP Billiton Forum for Corporate Responsibility.

He has visited Oxfam Australia programs in East Asia, South Asia, the Pacific, Central America, Southern Africa and the Horn of Africa as well as its programs working with Indigenous Australians.