Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Adam Smith is an expert commentator and consultant specialising in partnership development and network building in and around schools. He is a Board Member of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), and regular Education Analyst for Channel 10’s The Project.
As former CEO of the Foundation for Young Australians and Education Foundation Australia, Adam has a background in non-profit leadership and has personally generated in excess of $20 million in philanthropic and corporate investment in public schools.
He is passionate about promoting equity and excellence in all schools and encouraging additional philanthropic support of school education. He has worked extensively in the United States, Middle East and Europe and is a regular guest at the annual World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE). In 2009 Adam was named Young Executive of the Year by BOSS Magazine.
Adam’s current clients include the Royal Children’s Hospital Education Institute, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, Australian Council for Educational Leaders and the Koshland Innovation Fund.