Books for Children

George the Wizard – Tony Armstrong, Emma Sjaan Beukers
Featured in Spring Fling 2024 Program
TWC Staff Recommends: Erin Vincent (CEO)
I read George the Wizard with Harvey (8) and Noah (5).
I adore this book because it beautifully encourages kids (and adults) to embrace the things that make them unique. George’s unique trait is celebrated through magic, and Noah loves following the magic rainbow trail throughout the book.
Harvey said, “Harriet is my favourite. She reads George's mind and grants him all his wishes. How cool! I also love that George has an earring…he reminds me a lot of… Tony Armstrong!"

Tomorrow is a Brand New Day - Davina Bell, Allison Colpoys
Featured in our 2024 program in partnership with Orchestra Victoria
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Leggy Peggy, School of Monsters - Sally Rippin
2024 Australian Children’s Laureate
TWC Staff Recommends: Jamila Djafar Khodja (Senior Programming Manager)
We've been trying to introduce some early readers' material to our four-year-old and so far, Leggy Peggy is a winner!
Albertine loves the illustrations and there's lots of helpful tips at the back of the book from Sally (current Children's Laureate and all-round wonderful writer/person) about how to engage your early readers. We're looking forward to reading the rest of the series over summer.
Books for Middle Graders

Ultrawild: An Audacious Plan to Rewild Every City on Earth - Steve Mushin
featured on Lunch Orders Term 1
TWC Staff Recommends: Xanthea O'Connor (Program and Special Projects Producer)
Ultrawild is a brilliantly inventive and well-researched guide to humans living more closely attuned to the environment.
Mushin's creativity is infectious and his illustrations are so detailed that I could look at them for years and still find something new in them, which kinda feels reminiscent of Terry Denton's work or the Where's Wally books I pored over as a kid. So fun!

Ghost Book - Remy Lai
winner of the 2024 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Children’s Literature
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It’s the Sound of the Thing: 100 new poems for young people – Maxine Beneba Clarke
shortlisted for the 2024 VPLAs
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Books for Young Adults

Dr Space Junk vs The Universe - Dr. Alice Gorman
author featured in our Lunch Orders Term 1 series
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A Hunger of Thorns - Lili Wilkinson
winner of 2024 VPLA for Writing for Young Adults
TWC Staff Recommends: Dan Scaffidi (Marketing & Communications Coordinator)
My 11-year-old nephew really liked this book. There were a LOT of mysterious creatures and you never knew what to expect.
He said the first three chapters felt a little slow, but after that, he became very intrigued and enjoyed how it switched between past and present.
He would highly recommend this book to people who enjoy a good, mysterious magical adventure and thrills.