Bizarre yet Familiar: Domestic Costumes


Austrian artist Klaus Pichler has created a bizarre yet familiar photographic series, Just the Two of Us, photographing different kinds of people who habitually wear costumes, in their homes. The dissonance between the outlandish appearance of the subjects and their very ordinary surrounds is striking.

Pichler says he was interested in capturing two kinds of information about his subjects: what they’re conveying by their choice of mask, or costume (each ‘indirectly conveys information about the person behind it’) and what their living space says about them.

‘Nowhere else is the (abstract) link between the person behind the mask and his or her alter ego as visible as in their own home,’ he says.

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A cosplayer.
A cosplayer.
A 'furrie', as their animal alter ego.
A 'furrie', as their animal alter ego.
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