World's Worst Book Covers: Our Top 10


We’ve toured the web and found some of the world’s worst book covers, for your amusement. Some are the victims of bad design, some of unfortunate titles, and others were just plain bad (or weird) books to begin with. Enjoy!

Really?! We have no words for this one.
Really?! We have no words for this one.
This cover makes the list for its tagline – a pre-Colin-Firth attempt to sex up Jane Austen for the modern reader. 'Mom's fishing for husbands. But the girls are hunting for love.'
This cover makes the list for its tagline – a pre-Colin-Firth attempt to sex up Jane Austen for the modern reader. 'Mom's fishing for husbands. But the girls are hunting for love.'
So why bother to go on? This kid is clearly weighing his options.
So why bother to go on? This kid is clearly weighing his options.
So Hitler was not a vegetarian or an animal lover? Despite all his good deeds? Who'd have thought it?
So Hitler was not a vegetarian or an animal lover? Despite all his good deeds? Who'd have thought it?
Maybe this should be handed out to Michigan state representatives. Last week representative Lisa Brown was ejected from the state house for using the word vagina in a debate about abortion. 'What she said was offensive,' said Rep. Mike Callton. 'It was so offensive, I don't even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company.'
Maybe this should be handed out to Michigan state representatives. Last week representative Lisa Brown was ejected from the state house for using the word vagina in a debate about abortion. 'What she said was offensive,' said Rep. Mike Callton. 'It was so offensive, I don't even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company.'
Tarzan seems to have been alone in the jungle too long.
Tarzan seems to have been alone in the jungle too long.
We looked this one up on Amazon to check that it's a real book, not doctored in Photoshop, as the image and title are so incongruous. But yep, it's real.
We looked this one up on Amazon to check that it's a real book, not doctored in Photoshop, as the image and title are so incongruous. But yep, it's real.
Sounds like a love affair for the ages ... or a very specific fetish.
Sounds like a love affair for the ages ... or a very specific fetish.
This cover doesn't seem to fit the title: the man dropping his books all over the place seems pretty certain about his feeling, and it doesn't seem complicated.
This cover doesn't seem to fit the title: the man dropping his books all over the place seems pretty certain about his feeling, and it doesn't seem complicated.
This book categorises 92 species of woman, and is apparently perfect for either 'straight dudes' or for women wanting to check out their competition. 'Like a field guide to birds, this book is based on observations, chick sightings, and interviews ... over a long period of time.'
This book categorises 92 species of woman, and is apparently perfect for either 'straight dudes' or for women wanting to check out their competition. 'Like a field guide to birds, this book is based on observations, chick sightings, and interviews ... over a long period of time.'