Friday High Five: Weird Christmas Special (Decorations)


It’s December - and the holiday season has kicked into full gear, tinsel decorations and all. Any day now, we’ll be hearing carols broadcast in the shopping centres. Holiday decorations are festive - they remind us that a block of holidays is on the horizon. But some decorations are horribly misguided, and others are downright ugly. Here are five of the most horrifying holiday decorations, courtesy of Flavorwire.


What does Santa do in his down time? A spot of deer shooting, it seems. Wonder what Rudolph and co think of that.


The Tampon Nativity. From the website Tampon Crafts, which offers decorating ideas ‘for any time of the month’.


Imagine if the witch in Hansel and Gretel made her gingerbread house out of meat and roofed it with bacon?! What a tasty lure that would be. Actually, probably not - as this attempt shows.


Shotgun shells as Christmas lights. Aww, how very … creepy.


You know what’s really Christmassy and deserves pride of place on your tree? A merman, of course! This Bling Merman ‘is all about showing off the bling to the mermaids’.