Flannery O'Connor’s life was a strange one. She spent the bulk of it living with her mother, like Jorge Luis Borges, although unlike the Argentine the relationship was fraught. She also established herself as one of the great American short story writers. Her voice had an originality that continues to influence writers to this day (including Nick Cave, although he denies it). Her correspondence gives us a glimpse into her original mind.
It’s shaping up to be a big night for several Australians nominated for Oscars (previously mentioned here). The webosphere is buzzing with Oscars excitement - including McSweeney’s, which has published several movie-related pieces in keeping with the theme. For those thinking of renting a classic movie, here are some reviews to point you in the right direction. Screenwriters hoping to make it big in Hollywood might be interested in this take on how to make a Hollywood blockbuster.
Meg Mundell’s new novel, Black Glass, is being launched by Scribe Publications. Here’s an interview with Literary Minded’s Angela Meyer.