Celebrating Poetry All Week

Image of a Lego WB Yeats via Dunechaser/Flickr
Image of a Lego WB Yeats via Dunechaser/Flickr

Poetry - even poets don’t always like it. Marianne Moore, a major 20th-century American poet, wrote a poem, appropriately called ‘Poetry’, that began, “I, too, dislike it…” But in the same poem she gave us a metaphor for poetry that has become a justification for an entire form: poems, she wrote, are “imaginary gardens with real toads in them”. And that’s the point. Sometimes, there’s nothing more real than a poem.

It’s National Poetry Week this week, and we conducted a straw poll around the office, asking people to nominate their favourite poems. Here are a few nominations:

Wheeler Centre resident organisation Australian Poetry is celebrating National Poetry Week with a different theme every weekday this week. Today’s theme was ‘write’, tomorrow’s is ‘buy’, then there’s ‘share’, ‘live’ and ‘celebrate’.