Be a Part of the Premier's 21


Have you read Rohan Wilson’s bloodthirsty account of the ‘black wars’ in Tasmania, The Roving Party? Do you agree with Cordelia Fine’s take on the science of the sexes in Delusions of Gender? Are you still dreaming of Ireland after reading Libby Hart’s This Floating World? This year, as part of the Premier’s 21 campaign being held in conjunction with the 2011 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards, we’re inviting you to vote on the book you think best deserves to win - and to tell us why.

Visit the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards page and check out the list of books shortlisted to win the five category prizes and the overall prize. If you’ve read some of them, vote for your favourite title, and better still you can let us know what you thought of the books you’ve read. The title receiving the most votes will win the People’s Choice award. The winners will be revealed at the awards dinner on Tuesday, 6 September, which members of the public are welcome to attend (click here for information and tickets).

Or else you might just find yourself inspired to head down to your local library, or your nearest bookstore, to procure yourself one or more of the shortlisted titles. We’re hoping you’ll read a one or more and leave a comment about what you thought. If you’re up for a real challenge, why not read every book in a single category, and making your own recommendation as to who should win the category prize? (Needless to say, it won’t sway the judges one little bit.)

So get reading - you’ve got six weeks!