The Huffington Post asked this week if Twitter sells books and got several emphatic yeses.
Michael Taeckens, Publicity Director of Algonquin Books, offers three simple rules for interacting on Twitter ranging from “engage in conversations” and the old chestnut “display your sense of personality”. For publishers still wondering if they should tweet, Taeckens sees it as an essential branding tool as it offers “the opportunity to convey your personal, unique sense of identity in real time.”
While the the article is slightly skewed because it talks to two publishers already doing well on Twitter including Algonquin Books profiled in their previous article about the top publishers on Twitter, it follows its own advice by allowing you to interact through a poll on the best social network for book promotion.
For aspiring authors on Twitter, a good post was recently written on 40 Twitter Hashtags for Writers, including popular tags such as #amwriting, which some writers use to tell the world how many words they wrote today. Personally we prefer the ever popular #writersblock, a hashtag that’s part therapy session but more procrastination.