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Tom Porteous is a former journalist for the Guardian and the BBC, and an expert on global conflict management and resolution. Over the last five years, in his role as deputy program director at Human Rights Watch, he’s seen the war in Yemen escalate to become the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
March marks the five-year anniversary of the Yemen conflict, which has killed more than 100,000 civilians as well as causing deadly cholera outbreaks, malnutrition and famine. Fighting began in 2015, and hasn’t stopped since. It’s a war with complex regional and civil roots, perpetuated by an intricate network of forces stretching across the globe.
Who is implicated in this conflict? Who benefits? How can it end? And how does the situation in Yemen reflect other tensions between major regional and world powers? Porteous will tackle these questions, and discuss the pressing global human rights issues of the present day, at the Wheeler Centre with host Sally Warhaft.
Tom Porteous
Tom Porteous is the deputy program director at Human Rights Watch and is based in Washington DC. He joined Human Rights Watch in 2006 as the London director responsible for communications and advocacy in the United Kingdom. Porteous has a background in journalism, diplomacy, and UN peacekeeping. In the 1980s and early 1990s he was a freelance correspondent for the Guardian newspaper, the BBC, and other media, first in Cairo and later in Berlin, Algeria, and Morocco. He worked in UN peacekeeping operations in Somalia and Liberia. He also served as conflict management adviser for Africa in the UK's Foreign Office from 2001 to 2003. Porteous studied classics at Oxford University.
Sally Warhaft
Sally Warhaft is a Melbourne broadcaster, anthropologist and writer. She is the host of The Fifth Estate, the Wheeler Centre’s live series focusing on journalism, politics, media, and international relations, and The Leap Year ...