The Future of Socialism

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Saturday 08 August
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


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If we maintain our current capitalist system, we will ensure the collapse of our natural environment … and of human civilisation, argues Paul Adler. The only way to save ourselves, according to Adler, is by adopting democratic socialism. 

Adler is a business management professor at the University of Southern California, and the author of The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism. As part of this year’s Melbourne Writers Festival, he joins Sally Warhaft for an online conversation. They’ll discuss Adler’s ideas on how our economic system serves one per cent of us, while barely working for the rest of us. The pair will talk, too, about what we might do to change it, before it’s too late. 

Presented in partnership with Melbourne Writers Festival.