I Am An Animal: A Wildlife Fundraiser

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Wednesday 29 April
7:00 PM - 8:45 PM


Fringe Common Rooms

Corner Victoria Street and Lygon Street, Carlton 3053 Victoria Australia

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This event has been cancelled as part of our preventative measures to stem the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. If you have tickets for this event, we’ll be in touch with you directly via email.

Find out more about our response to the coronavirus situation here.

Humans are animals – but we’re letting our fellow creatures down. What do other animals mean to us, and what do we mean to them?

In April, we're bringing together some of our favourite writers and artists to share reflections on creatures great and small. We're raising funds for wildlife charities working with animals affected by the summer's devastating bushfires. It's estimated that more than a billion animals have died in the fires – and more than 100 species now need urgent help due to scorched habitat. 

Grab a drink at the bar and settle in for a night of readings, poetry, art and music, curated by Sophie Cunningham and Emily Bitto, and featuring literary animal-lovers including Helen Garner, Shaun Tan, Ali Cobby Eckermann, Chloe Hooper and more to be announced. We'll be selling t-shirts designed by Kaz Cooke and there'll be a raffle with prizes, too. 

Let's do it for the koalas, quolls, dunnarts and wallabies; the alpine bog skinks, lyrebirds, broad-toothed rats, bloodclaw crayfish, glossy black cockatoos and golden-tipped bats. 

Proceeds from ticket sales, t-shirt sales and raffle tickets will be divided and donated equally to Wildlife Victoria, Birdlife Australia and Bush Heritage Australia.

Presented in partnership with Melbourne Fringe.

This event will be Auslan interpreted.