Modern Confidential: Digital Privacy Today

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Tuesday 02 May
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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The notion of personal privacy in a digital society may be out of date. While many of us say we still want it, we willingly share our data – and dislike paying to protect it. Governments and online businesses covet our personal information. Meanwhile, almost nobody reads the terms and conditions; we merely trust that if something were awry, someone else would have noticed by now.

But what should we be concerned about … and what can we do about it? Why is privacy even important if, as they say, you have nothing to hide?

We’ll hear from computing and information systems researcher Vanessa Teague (University of Melbourne), tech security strategist Rachael Falk (auDA) and employment and industrial relations lawyer Josh Bornstein (Maurice Blackburn). They’ll talk about open data, de-identification, cryptography, social media – and how to defend our rights to both privacy and free speech in our personal and professional lives. #modernconfidential

Presented in partnership with Liberty Victoria, and the City of Melbourne as part of Knowledge Week.

Re-watch the live-stream of this event – and add your thoughts below.