Rob Delaney and Benjamin Law: Are cockroaches attracted to human tears, and if so, why?

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Friday 27 November
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Athenaeum Theatre

188 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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Why does orange juice taste so gross after you’ve brushed your teeth? People who load the toilet roll under/behind style are monsters – how do they sleep at night? Can people change?

Rob Delaney is ready for The Interrobang’s strange and awkward stuff. An actor, author and particularly Twitter-famous stand-up comic, Delaney is currently co-writing and co-starring in the critically-lauded Channel 4 sitcom Catastrophe. He’s also a regular contributor to outlets like Vice and the Guardian – delving into questions about war, homophobia, abortion, feminism and more – and has written openly about his rumbles with severe clinical depression and alcoholism.

So: what do you want to talk about?

In the opening session of the Wheeler Centre’s inaugural Festival of Questions, Rob will go weird (and a little deep) on all of modern life’s confusion and hilarity with fellow commentator, author and memoirist Benjamin Law. Benjamin’s books include Gaysia: Adventures in the Queer East, Shit Asian Mothers Say (co-written with his sister Michelle) and The Family Law, currently being adapted for TV.

Join us for a conversation between two men prone to asking questions of their respective pasts – laced with devious wit, scatological detail and unadorned honesty.

Tickets to this event are available at the door. Arrive at least twenty minutes prior to the event to purchase.

Note to early bookers: if you booked tickets to this event prior to Thursday 19 November, some details may have changed. Please check for details.

