Morgan Carpenter is president of Organisation Intersex International (OII) Australia, a national institution. He wrote OII Australia’s submissions to Senate Inquiries on anti-discrimination legislation, and on the involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia. In this lunchtime talk, he’ll introduce what intersex is, talk about its relevance to LGBT alliances, and cover key health, cultural and religious issues as they relate to intersex – and their mental health impact.
BYO lunch. Ideas provided.
Middlesex: Queer Week
We’ve come a long way since the bad old days when any sexuality that wasn’t heterosexual, monogamous and sealed by marriage was kept behind the bedroom door and between the sheets (or up against the wall). In a week of open discussion and joyous celebration, we’re exploring sexuality and identity in all their alternative forms.
Morgan Carpenter
Morgan Carpenter is the president of OII Australia, a national intersex-led Public Benevolent Institution. Morgan migrated permanently to Australia in 2005 and has been active with OII Australia since 2009. Morgan works as an analyst for an IT company, with a social and economic policy research background.
Morgan wrote OII Australia’s submissions to Senate Inquiries on anti-discrimination legislation, and on the involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia. He also participated in Senate hearings. He wrote OII Australia’s submission to the National Health and Medical Research Council on the ethics of genetic selection against intersex traits.
Morgan spoke as part of the first intersex side event at the UN Human Rights Council, and has been published by ABC’s The Drum, and the Guardian.