20 Questions: Brisbane

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Saturday 06 September
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


The Edge, State Library of Queensland

Stanley Place South Brisbane Queensland 4101

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If you had to choose, would you prefer non-fiction or fiction? Would you rather outlive your partner or be outlived? And which is worse: war or famine? Drowning at sea or indefinite detention?

The Wheeler Centre is bringing our unique social experiment, 20 Questions, to the Brisbane Writers Festival. Vote in our referendum of 20 divisive social questions and then join chair Rebecca Levingston, Jennifer Byrne, Matthew Condon, Caroline Overington and Nick Earls for an old-fashioned election party to analyse the results and celebrate democracy in action.

Not in Brisbane, or missed out on tickets? Keep an eye on proceedings with the live video stream.

Presented in partnership with Brisbane Writers Festival.