Sex, sex, sex… and celebrity. Not all storytelling is about boarding schools, bloodsuckers and bow-slinging lady killers. In this adults-only night of fantastical tales, anything goes. Four writers share a short piece of self-penned smut about a celebrity or fictional character in Erotic Fan Fiction – a crowd favourite and unstoppable cultural phenomenon.
Hosted by Eddie Sharp, our smouldering lineup comprises Clementine Ford, Declan Greene, Catherine Deveny and Andrew Denton. Hot!

Andrew Denton
Andrew Denton is a writer, performer and television producer. He was formerly a celebrity, but is now in remission. He counts Rupert Murdoch, Paul Keating and Germaine Greer amongst his favourite detractors, and ...
Clementine Ford
Clementine Ford is a Melbourne-based writer, speaker and feminist thinker. She is a columnist for Fairfax’s Daily Life and is a regular contributor to the Age and Sydney Morning Herald. Through her twice-weekly columns for Daily Life, Clementine explores issues of gender inequality and pop culture. Fight Like a Girl is her first book.
Her ability to use humour and distilled fury to lay bare ongoing issues affecting women has earned her a huge and loyal readership. Clementine’s work has radically challenged the issues of men’s violence against women, rape culture and gender warfare in Australia, while her comedic take on casual sexism and entertainment has earned her a reputation as an accomplished satirist.
Declan Greene
Declan Greene is a writer and theatre-maker based in Melbourne. His plays include A Black Joy and Moth, and have been produced at the Malthouse, Sydney Opera House, and Brisbane Powerhouse.
Awards include the Malcolm Robertson Prize (2010), the Green Room Award for Best Original Writing (2010), the AWGIE for Theatre for Young Audiences (2011), the Max Afford Playwrights Award (2012) and a nomination for the Helpmann Award for Best New Work. Alongside Ash Flanders he runs independent theatre company Sisters Grimm, and has co-created work including Mommie & the Minister, Little Mercy, and Summertime in the Garden of Eden, touring locally and across the UK. His play Pompeii, L.A. opens at the Malthouse in November.
Eddie Sharp
Eddie Sharp is a writer, comedian and the founder of Erotic Fan Fiction. He has a weekly comedy show on FBi Radio. He is performing his new hour of comedy 'Big Time Magic' at The Melbourne Comedy Festival from March 24th to April 17th.
Catherine Deveny
Catherine Deveny has been a comedian, writer and professional speaker for 23 years.
She’s the author of seven books and over 1,000 columns for the Age newspaper, and is an ABC regular. She has appeared on Q&A five times — sitting next to John Elliott, Tony Abbott, Corey Bernardi, Peter Dutton and Archbishop Peter Jensen.
Deveny has performed five one-woman shows in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and has been named one of the Top 100 Most Influential Melbournians. Her charity and activist work includes public schools, public housing, feminism, atheism, asylum seekers, child abuse in the Catholic Church and homelessness.
She’s a keen commuter cycling ambassador and the co-founder of Pushy Women. She is the creator of the enormously successful Gunnas Writing Masterclasss — running 50 classes in less than 18 months.
You’ll find her performing everywhere from debates at Melbourne Town Hall with Julian Burnside to Splendor In the Grass in Byron Bay.
She has never married and lives with her childhood sweetheart in the People's Republic Of Moreland.