Chief of Army

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Tuesday 12 June
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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The Fifth Estate is the Wheeler Centre’s new series of fortnightly forums: a more measured approach to news and current affairs. Provocative and studied, authoritative and unhurried, this is real analysis that will be pulling no punches. Hosted by broadcaster, journalist and anthropologist Sally Warhaft, The Fifth Estate is indispensible live journalism. All events are recorded, with podcast episodes posted on our website by noon the following day.

What is the role of Australia’s Defence Force in the 21st century? In the recent federal budget, defence spending was cut to the smallest proportion of national wealth since 1938. Does Australia have the capacity to defend itself? What are the most important issues in the defence forces? And what are the national security priorities of the federal government? To discuss these questions, and the culture and values of our defence department, Sally Warhaft meets with Australia’s Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison and veteran foreign affairs analyst Greg Sheridan.