Lunchbox/Soapbox: Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Thursday 08 April
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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Phil Nichol

The Inability of Words to Say the Things That What Who?

What are the verbal choices that we make day-to-day and moment-to-moment? At this special Melbourne International Comedy Festival Lunchbox/Soapbox, Canadian comedian Phil Nichol will attempt to explore the weakness of language to express depths of emotion or rationale in reflective thought and mankind’s ongoing re-creation of language through poetry. Lunchbox/Soapbox is a simple idea; an old-fashioned Speakers’ Corner in the middle of the city, in the middle of the day.

At the Wheeler Centre we’re keen to showcase our writers as thinkers and as artists, as people with passions and peccadilloes. So we’ve come up with Lunchbox/Soapbox: a weekly space for them to sound off on a topic of their choice. Think of it as a 20-minute piece of polemic to give lunching CBD folk something to chew on.

The themes will be idiosyncratic: from pop-cultural analysis to high cultural criticism; from political grandstanding to personal mischief-making. But they’ll all be thought-provoking. Bring your lunch along to this bite-sized session.
